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What is Conversational Commerce, and Why Should Brands Care?

What is Conversational Commerce
What is Conversational Commerce

Imagine entering a store where nobody greets you, and you can't find anything. You will need help to answer your inquiries concerning products. You lose. This often happens in internet stores without conversational commerce.

Online buying is growing—no excuse for poor customer service. Conversational commerce digitizes customer service.

What is conversational commerce?

Conversational commerce (social commerce or conversational marketing) uses dialogue to better service clients. Conversational commerce transforms your customer service into a digital experience. It allows you to communicate with thousands of potential customers at the same time.

These interactions occur wherever your clients are: social media, messaging apps, and your website. Conversations take place with live customer support representatives, chatbots, or both.

Why is conversational commerce important?

Conversational commerce makes online shopping more accessible, enjoyable, and personalized for customers.

According to PwC's Future of Customer Experience Survey, shoppers want speed, convenience, and friendliness when buying. The survey also discovered:

  • 73% of customers believe that experience is essential to their purchasing choice. However, only 49% of customers believe businesses deliver good customer service.

  • One in every three clients (32%) will abandon a brand after one unsatisfactory customer service experience.

  • A good experience, according to 65% of customers, is more persuasive than brilliant advertising.

Businesses that use conversational commerce see:

  • In the first six months, revenue increased by 10%.

  • Savings on customer service expenditures amount to an average of 30%.

  • Up to 80% of the most typical customer interactions can be automated. AI chatbots can improve the efficiency and accuracy of consumer discussions.

Types of conversational commerce

You can be the fastest talker in the west to participate in the discussion. Many brands are utilizing these techniques to communicate with more clients online:

Conversational AI chatbots

Yes. Future-living. AI chatbots are customer service robots.

A chatbot automates brand-customer interactions.

A friendly robot may not come to mind when thinking of customized care. Heyday uses machine learning to personalize client answers. Over time, their responses improve. AI chatbots remember their consumers like genuine agents.

Live chat apps

Live chat apps let customers message a customer support agent. Customer service forms and 1-800 numbers are obsolete.

Live chat apps auto-answer common inquiries. Human customer service can aid the neediest.

64% of clients prefer chat apps to phone calls.

Live chat allows customer service to serve many at once, which improves efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Voice assistant software

Voice assistants are used for conversational commerce. Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant are being used to shop.

A poll of millennial online buyers indicated 47% used voice assistants.

Marketers should anticipate client questions and orders. Alexa makes ordering more easier than clicking through product pages.

Messaging apps

People use social messaging apps more than social media. The user base of the top four messaging apps is more significant than that of the top four social media platforms.

Customers decide what to buy before visiting a company's website. More questions are coming through a company's Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp. Make sure someone, or something, is there to answer them! People use social messaging apps more like search engines.

Social media

Social dialogues are the new internet reviews, argues a Publicis and Twitter study.

92% of individuals seek brand information on social media.

64% of individuals change their minds about a brand after reading social media.

Brand buzz drives sales. Encourage customers to share images and feedback on social media.

Six benefits of using conversational commerce

  1. Give 24/7 customer support

  2. Increase sales through conversations and relationships

  3. Reduce shopping cart abandonment

  4. Collect customer information and feedback.

  5. Generate more high-quality leads

  6. More languages

Helia Mohammadi

Social Media Specialist









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