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Welcome to your Google Ads plan!


We have conducted extensive research for your business, uncovering valuable insights about your competitors, targeted keywords, budget estimations, and suggested ad copies to optimize your online presence.


Your feedback is essential, so please take a moment to review the plan and let us know if you have any questions or would like to make adjustments. We are committed to working closely with you to achieve exceptional results for your Google Ads campaign.

Google Ad Campaign Plan

Arc & Co

Analyze Source

Ahrefs-Logo-Color-Blue (1).png

Target Audience:

Consumer Goods Brands/Companies, Cultural Institutions and Museums


Ontario, CA

Campaign Summary

2, Exhibit Design & Packaging Design Landings



Number of Landing Pages: 

Number of Campaigns: 
Number of Ad Groups: 

Goals and Objectives​

Your Keywords Statistics

In our Google Ads strategy, keywords play a crucial role in ensuring your ads reach the right audience at the right time. Understanding keywords and how they impact your ad campaigns is key to achieving success. Let's explore the basics:

  1. Keywords: These are the words or phrases people use when searching online.

  2. Monthly Searches: Shows how often people search for a keyword in your targeted area.

  3. CPC (Cost Per Click): The amount you pay each time someone clicks on your ad.

  4. Keyword Difficulty: Measures how hard it is to rank for a keyword based on competition.


Competitor research for sample keywords

In our Google Ads strategy, understanding your competitors is just as important as understanding your own business. By analyzing your competitors' online presence, we gain valuable insights that can inform our advertising approach. Let's delve into the competitor analysis section:

  1. Competitors: These are other businesses in your industry who are also running ads on Google.

  2. Traffic: This indicates how many visitors your competitors' websites receive in a month. It gives us an idea of their online visibility and popularity.

  3. Estimated Spend: This tells us approximately how much money your competitors are investing in their Google Ads campaigns for the same keywords we're targeting. It gives us insights into their marketing strategy and competitiveness in the market.


Google Budget Estimation

In this section, we'll discuss the budget plan for your Google Ads campaign. It's crucial to allocate the right amount of funds to ensure your ads reach your target audience effectively. Let's break it down:

  1. Monthly Spend: This is the amount of money you're planning to invest in your Google Ads campaign each month. It determines how frequently your ads will be shown to potential customers.

  2. Impressions: Impressions indicate how many times your ads are displayed to users. Your budget influences the number of impressions your ads receive.

  3. Clicks: Clicks represent the number of times users interact with your ads by clicking on them. Your budget also impacts the number of clicks your ads generate.

Ad Copy Suggestions

Welcome to the ad copy section of your Google Ads strategy! Ad copy is the text that appears in your ads and plays a vital role in attracting potential customers.

Suggested Titles

Exhibit Design Headlines

  • "Architectural Exhibit Experiences"

  • "Designing Memorable Exhibits"

  • "Exhibit Design Innovations"

  • "Immersive Brand Exhibit Magic"

  • "Crafting Engaging Spaces"

  • "Exhibit Design Fusion"

  • "Transforming Exhibit Spaces"

  • "Architectural Exhibit Brilliance"

Packaging Design Headlines

  • "Unbox Brand Magic: Packaging Design"

  • "Packaging That Wows"

  • "Authentic Packaging Design"

  • "Revolutionary Packaging Design"

  • "Elevate with Packaging Design"

  • "Expert Packaging Transformation"

  • "Crafting Impactful Designs"

  • "Strategic Packaging Mastery"

  • "Designing Remarkable Packages"

  • "Unleashing Creative Packaging"

  • "Packaging, Designed for You"

  • "Innovative Design Solutions"

  • "Bringing Brands to Life: Packaging"

Suggested Descriptions

Exhibit Design Descriptions

  1. "Elevate Your Brand: Expert Exhibit Design for Unforgettable Experiences"

  2. "Transform Spaces into Brand Stories: Architecture and Exhibit Strategy"

  3. "Bringing Brands to Life: Innovative Architecture and Exhibit Activation"

  4. "Crafting Spatial Narratives: Where Architecture Meets Brand Activation"

  5. "Immersive Brand Journeys: The Art of Architectural Exhibit Design"

  6. "From Concept to Experience: Architectural Brilliance in Exhibit Design"

  7. "Your Brand, Our Canvas: Creating Meaningful Connections through Architecture"

  8. "Architectural Alchemy: Fusing Brands and Spaces for Lasting Impressions"

  9. "Spatial Symphony: Weaving Brands into Engaging Exhibit Experiences"

  10. "Designing Identity: Where Brand Vision and Architecture Converge"

  11. "Designing Destinations: Architectural Excellence for Captivating Exhibits"

Packaging Design Descriptions 

  1. "Unbox Brand Stories: Experiential Packaging"

  2. "Packaging Innovations: Beyond the Box"

  3. "Structural Elegance: Packaging Engineering"

  4. "Visualizing Brands: Graphic Packaging Design"

  5. "Shelf Impact, Brand Elevation: Packaging Excellence"

  6. "Crafting Product Journeys: Experiential Packaging"

  7. "Packaging Strategy Unleashed"

  8. "Designing Memorable Unboxing Experiences"

  9. "Beyond Packaging: Brand Transformation"

  10. "Empower Brands: Experiential Packaging Design"


Designing Memorable Exhibits | Engage Audiences | Standout Exhibits

Elevate Your Brand: Expert Exhibit Design for Unforgettable Experiences. Immersive Brand Journeys: The Art of Architectural Exhibit Design


Coupons: Please be aware that the $500 ($600CAD) coupon offer mentioned may not be available for individuals who have previously created a Google Ads account for their business. The coupon offer is exclusively reserved for new accounts and is subject to specific terms, conditions, and eligibility requirements, which may vary based on the promotional offer and location.


If you have previously had an ads account or possess an expired coupon, you may consider using an alternative billing address or credit card when creating a new ads account. Although this approach does not guarantee eligibility for the coupon, we will make every effort to assist you in claiming it. However, please note that the final decision regarding coupon eligibility rests solely with Google.


We strongly recommend that you read the terms and conditions in the link provided below to ensure you qualify for the coupon, as these conditions are fully controlled by Google.


Competitive Analysis : The information provided in the "Competitors" section is intended for strategic analysis purposes. It highlights key metrics such as website traffic and ad spend of identified competitors. Please be aware that the competitive landscape on Google Ads is dynamic and subject to change.


Budget Allocation & Other Factors: Increased ad spend may contribute to improved visibility, but success is influenced by various factors. The decision to allocate a higher budget should align with your overall business strategy. Remember that advertising on Google Ads is competitive, and outcomes may vary.

Ad Copy Customization: The headlines and descriptions provided in this plan are offered as suggestions based on our analysis and expertise. We understand that your brand has a unique voice, and you reserve the right to customize ad copy to align with your specific messaging preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions :

Q: Why am I not seeing results? I have been running my ads for 1 week now!



A: It's important to understand that advertising on platforms like Google Ads involves a process that takes time to yield significant results. Here's a breakdown of the timeline:

  • 2 Weeks Learning Period: During this initial phase, the advertising algorithm is learning about your campaign, audience, and ad performance. It adjusts and optimizes based on the data it collects.

  • 30 Days for Sufficient Data: To make informed decisions and optimizations, it's essential to gather a significant amount of data about your campaign's performance. This typically takes around 30 days, during which the algorithm continues to learn and refine its strategies.

  • 45 Days to Start Seeing Results: After the learning period and sufficient data collection, you can start expecting to see more noticeable results from your advertising efforts. This timeframe allows for adjustments and optimizations to take effect, potentially leading to improved ad performance and outcomes.

Patience and consistency are key during the initial stages of running ads. It's important to allow the algorithm enough time to learn and optimize before expecting significant results. Rest assured, with continued monitoring and refinement, your advertising campaign is likely to yield positive results over time.

Q: I am spending $300 a month, why am I not seeing results?



A: Your competitors may be investing significantly more in their advertising campaigns, which can affect the visibility and competitiveness of your ads. Additionally, with a budget of $10 a day, it may not be sufficient to outbid competitors or achieve prominent ad placements, especially in highly competitive markets or industries. We can review your campaign metrics to assess your current strategy's effectiveness and explore options for optimizing your budget allocation to improve performance within your budget constraints.

Q: I have a limited budget but I want to advertise all of my services.


A: We understand the importance of promoting all your services, even with a limited budget. One approach is to prioritize your high-value or high-margin services for advertising. Additionally, we can implement strategic targeting and ad scheduling to ensure your budget is allocated effectively across your services.

Q: I have a very limited budget but I want to run ads all over Canada and the USA.


A: While targeting a broad geographic area can increase your reach, it may not always be the most cost-effective strategy, especially with a limited budget. We recommend focusing your advertising efforts on specific regions or cities where your target audience is most concentrated. This targeted approach can help maximize the impact of your budget and increase the likelihood of reaching potential customers effectively.



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